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Diet to lose weight or Decrease Stomach How often do but not necessarily all of them succeed. Many things can cause a diet program does not succeed or fail. Often, instead of weight lost but actually increases weight and some even suffered because of it. Here are some reasons why diets fail to do.Less determination and motivationThis is the first thing that often leads to the failure of diet program. In running the diet program we will surely find a lot of good trials of extraordinary hunger to the temptation of the surrounding environment. Lack of resolve in the running diet program will easily make us give up and finally do diets fail.

Instant DietImpose instant diet with reduced food intake abruptly can be very dangerous for health. Therefore, the diet program takes in reducing food intake. Reduce little by little portions of food and diet meal replacement diet such as vegetables and fruits for the body to adapt.
Concentration in the dietIn a weight loss diet program is not only to use in regulating the pattern and amount of food. Many of us are just focusing on diet meal, but do not pay attention to other factors such as a healthy lifestyle and regular exercise. Diet programs will not run successfully without the support of a healthy lifestyle.
Environmental factorsThis one has a very important role that diet program that can be run successfully. Support from family, friends and the surrounding environment is very influential. For example, when we began to give up the diet program is run, we need a good moral support from family, friends or the environment that can restore passion in running a diet program.
At first we are very excited and have a strong determination to undergo a diet program in order to lose weight. However, when the process goes on, a lot of factors that can make a run while the diet failed and even are able to put on weight.
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