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Health care for healthy pregnancy

Health care for healthy pregnancy

  Pregnant women would want a healthy pregnancy. This can be achieved when doing a health guide to healthy living. It is necessary to support the healthy growth of the fetus and the mother's own health course.


The following health tips for a healthy pregnancy.

1. Ensure regular visits to a midwife or obstetrician. It aims to determine the development of the pregnancy. and follow all instructions from your obstetrician for pregnancy health.

2. Nutrient intake such, folic acid is used for reducing the risk of defects in the fetus and infant fish oil works for the development of baby's brain because it contains omega fatty acids.

3. Balanced diet, Meet the nutritional needs of nutritious food. multiply the vegetables and green food in the water to multiply. Avoid fast food, salt, sugar and high-fat foods.

4. Avoid alcohol and tobacco. Alcohol and tobacco are harmful to the health of mothers and infants that can lead to complications in the fetus so that infants at risk of physical and mental disabilities.

5. Sports / Gymnastics pregnant, it can help to simplify the process of the birth mother. You can follow gymnastics class that has a lot of pregnant women currently or follow the instructions on the video. Yoga and Meditation also helps in relieving the pain of pregnancy can also create a relaxed mind during pregnancy.

6. Rest and avoid stress, sleep is an effective way to relieve pain during pregnancy. was also a good contribution in the growth of the fetus. Stress can affect pregnancy and fetal health.

With a healthy lifestyle supports a healthy pregnancy, it is intended that a healthy baby at birth, and of course the mother survived.
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