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Ingredients and Benefits of Avocado Fruit

Ingredients and Benefits of Avocado Fruit

Avocado or Avocado is a fruit that comes from Central America and Mexico. Place of origin ahuacat fruit called by the Aztecs and Spanish troops began to enter in the 16th century and introduced to the European nations. Avocado fruit has an oval shape making, has dark green skin to purple brown. Flesh of an avocado has a very soft texture and has a light green color (near the skin) and yellow (near the seed).

buah alpukatavocadoAvocado is a fruit that is very nice to be consumed, in whole or processed into food or beverages (ice mix, juice). Avocados also have a lot of content and will provide many benefits for health and beauty are very good for us. Here is the content and benefits of avocado.

High content of vegetable fats and unsaturated beneficial for lowering LDL cholesterol (bad cholesterol) so that it can be useful to prevent malicious stroke, heart disease, high blood pressure and cancer. Unsaturated fat is easily digested and processed so beneficial to the maximum body and unsaturated fats in avocados also contain anti-fungal and anti-bacterial. Vegetable fat content can not cause a person to become obese, even with the benefits of unsaturated fats is able to reduce appetite.
The content of vitamin A and E in avocado fruit is very good for the skin, plumping the skin, remove wrinkles and make skin look younger.
Krotenoid content of the avocado are Vitamin A is a very good remedy eye and body health.
The content of oleic acid in avocados are high sources of antioxidants that are beneficial as an antidote to free radicals and increase endurance.
The potassium in avocados can prevent pengendapat fluid, electrolyte balance in the body and helps lower blood pressure.
The iron content of the avocado is very good for preventing anemia.
The content of avocado oil extract is often used as ingredients of beauty products like moisturizers, creams, shampoos and other. For natural consumption can be done by making it as a mask.
Many health and beauty benefits gained from the benefits of the avocado. It implies that the rich will benefit, must be one of the most commonly consumed fruit menu.
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