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Danger on Children Toys

Danger on Children Toys
toys are now being circulated in the market are mostly toys coming from China. As already known dangers of toys coming from China can be detrimental to health. Hazardous materials found in children's toys such as lead are found more than 80% of toys coming from China. Not only harmful substances that are not visible, material terlihatpun could be hazardous to the health of children. The basic ingredients of paint that does not make it safe and easy to peel easily swallowed by children so as to interfere with the child's digestive health.

mainan anaktoysFor parents who are very concerned about their child's health must feel wary of the situation that many toys in the market today. There have been many studies done on the safety of toys YLKI of the Chinese nation and found materials that are harmful to health such as lead (Pb), mercury (Hg), cadmium (Cd) and chromim (Cr). Not just toys that contain lead, many other items that contain hazardous materials such as crayons, colored pencils commonly used for the children to draw.
The role of parents in choosing safe toys for her children's health is very important. The selection of safe toys for children's health is very supportive for safety. In selecting toys to consider the manufacture of toys are safe when used in small children. Note also the label on the package on how to use the toy properly. Once again the role of the parents is very important for the development of child development, as a means of learning toys for children was created not as a source that could endanger their health.
Toys from China does have a cheaper price compared to the local origin of toys, but never be affected because of the price. Because the health of the child is to be the number one priority. Better to buy a toy that costs a little more expensive, especially for educational toys, which have had a security certificate that is safe to use for children. By choosing toys that have been certified safe, will make the children can play safely and parents become more calm.
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