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Bali Being Elected First Sequence World for Travel Dreams in 2013

Bali Being Elected First Sequence World for Travel Dreams in 2013
Villa Viceroy, Ubud, Bali yang memiliki pemandangan indah (Foto: homedsgn)Indonesia is a wonderful country and a world tourist destination. Two tourist attractions of Indonesia, namely Bali and Raja Ampat, topped the 10 island dream that must be visited in the year 2013 as reported by the Huffington Post on January 4 last.

At the beginning of this year, tourist sites of the world began to aggressively provide reviews of must-visit destinations where holiday to fill. Huffington Post, a news site contains posts from the United States 10 Great Dream Island Vacation Ideas For 2013, 10 Island Dreams Travel Ideas for 2013.

raja ampat di indonesiaproud wordpress comWhich boasts, among other beautiful islands in the world, the island of Bali elected ranks 1 and 2 Raja Ampat was ranked the world for tourism purposes.

For Bali, the site provides reviews that travelers try to stay at the hotel which has one of the best views in the world, the Viceroy Bali in Ubud (see picture above).

Raja Ampat in indonesiaproud wordpress comSementara, Raja Ampat course back proud as the most biodiverse places in the world.

"If you take seriously the diving and snorkeling tour, this place is a must-see," the commentator that site.

Raja Ampat was ranked 1 of the Top 10 Best Island Reef or coral island of the world's top 10 at the same site. Raja Ampat is not surprising that later became the main destination diving and snorkeling lovers from around the world.

Here are the top 10 Great Dream Island Vacation Ideas For 2013 version of the Huffington Post.

1. Bali, Indonesia.
2. Raja Ampat, Indonesia.
3. Jade Mountain Resort in St.. Lucia.
4. Big Island, Hawaii
5. Vanuatu.
6. Harbour Island in the Bahamas.
7. Rangali Island in the Maldives / Maldives.
8. Iceland / Iceland.
9. Ko Samui in Thailand.
10. Santorini, Greece.

Sources: travel.okezone.com, huffingtonpost.com
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